谢晓亮 编辑
谢晓亮(Xiaoliang Sunney Xie),男,汉族,1962年出生于中国北京,中国科学院院士、美国科学院外籍院士,生物物理化学家,曾任哈佛大学化学与化学生物系终身教授、Mallinckrodt讲席教授,北京大学李兆基讲席教授,北京大学理学部主任,北京昌平实验室主任,第十四届全国政协委员、常委、教科卫体委员会委员。谢晓亮于1980年考入北京大学化学系;1990年从加州大学圣地亚哥分校博士毕业后进入芝加哥大学从事博士后研究;1992年进入美国太平洋西北国家实验室工作;1999年被聘为哈佛大学化学与化学生物系终身教授,是改革开放后哈佛大学引进的第一位来自中国大陆的终身教授;2009年担任哈佛大学Mallinckrodt讲席教授;2010年主持创办北京大学生物动态光学成像中心,担任主任;2016年组建北京大学未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心,担任主任;2017年当选为中国科学院外籍院士;2018年7月正式全职回到北京大学工作,并担任北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心主任;2020年担任北京昌平实验室主任;2023年6月由中国科学院外籍院士转为中国科学院院士。谢晓亮的主要研究方向包含:基础研究、技术开发和医学研究三个领域。基础研究:单分子酶学、单分子生物物理化学、基因表达和调控、表观遗传学、细胞分化和重编程机理、基因组不稳定性;技术发展:单分子成像、单细胞基因组学、相干拉曼散射显微成像、DNA测序;医学研究:体外受精胚胎植入前遗传学筛查与诊断、早期癌症诊断,新冠中和抗体药物研发。
外文名:Xiaoliang Sunney Xie
- 主要成就
- 单分子酶学的创始人单分子生物物理化学的奠基人之一相干拉曼散射显微成像技术的开拓者单细胞基因组学的开拓者2017年当选为中国科学院外籍院士美国科学院外籍院士收起
1980年,考入北京大学化学系,业余时间还旁听了物理系和数学系的课程,还利用暑假到实验室做实验,学有机合成,又写计算机程序做化学计算。1985年夏,赴加州大学圣地亚哥分校攻读博士,师从研究超快激光研究化学动力学的约翰·西蒙(John Simon)。
1989年,博士毕业后去芝加哥大学物理化学教授格雷厄姆·弗莱明(Graham Fleming)的实验室做博士后。
谢晓亮教授获得美国能源部部长朱棣文颁发劳伦斯奖 (2009)
2001年9月7日,受聘北京大学化学学院客座教授,同一天,受聘为分子动态与稳态结构国家重点实验室学术委员会委员。2004年,获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)先锋奖,在之后五年中每年获得50万美元的自由支配经费 。
2013年,第二次获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)先锋奖 。
2015年,谢晓亮与斯坦福大学教授Karl Deisseroth共同获得阿尔伯尼生物医学奖,成为该奖项的首位华人获得者;同年,获得美国化学会德拜奖 。
2016年,组建了北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG),担任主任;10月17日,当选为美国国家医学院院士 。
2017年9月16日,获得求是杰出科学家奖 ;11月,当选中国科学院外籍院士 。
2018年7月,正式全职回到北京大学工作,担任北京大学李兆基讲席教授;同年担任主任的北京大学生物动态光学成像中心,更名为“北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心”(Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center,BIOPIC) 。
2019年11月,担任北京大学理学部主任 。
2020年10月,担任北京昌平实验室主任 。
谢晓亮与学生们在哈佛实验室(2008) | 谢晓亮教授参加学生们的博士毕业典礼 | 北京大学生物动态光学成像中心(BIOPIC)成立(2010) |
世界上第一例MALBAC婴儿诞生 (2014年9月19日)
谢晓亮是单分子酶学的创始人、单分子生物物理化学的奠基人之一、相干拉曼散射显微成像技术和单细胞基因组学的开拓者。谢晓亮作为单分子生物物理化学家,他勇于突破学科界限,从物理化学、生物物理到生物化学,再到分子生物学、基因组学及临床医学,无畏探索,不断创新,在相关新兴交叉学科做出了创造性贡献。谢晓亮不仅是生物物理化学基础科学研究的国际领军人物,近年来大力推动了无标记光学成像技术和新型单细胞基因组测序技术在医学中的应用。2012年谢晓亮在单细胞全基因组学研究有了突破性进展,开发了单细胞全基因组均匀扩增的新方法—多重退火循环扩增法(MALBAC)。2014年9月19日,世界上第一例“MALBAC婴儿”在北医三院诞生,标志着中国胚胎植入前遗传诊断技术处于世界领先水平 。
在抗击新冠疫情过程中,谢晓亮团队成功研制出一组针对所有新冠病毒变种的广谱中和抗体药物SA55/SA58,并已将其授权转让给科兴生物公司 。
谢晓亮课题组的研究方向包含基础科学研究领域、技术研究领域和医学研究领域三个领域 。
领域 | 说明 |
基础研究 | 单分子酶学、单分子生物物理化学、基因表达和调控、表观遗传学、细胞分化和重编程机理、基因组不稳定性 |
技术发展 | 单分子成像、单细胞基因组学、相干拉曼散射显微成像、DNA 测序 |
医学研究 | 体外受精胚胎植入前遗传学筛查与诊断、早期癌症诊断 |
截至2023年1月,谢晓亮共发表SCI收录科学论文240余篇 。
Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging
Xie, X. Sunney; Dunn, Robert C. "Probing Single Molecule Dynamics" Science 265: 361-364 (1994).
Sánchez, Erik J; Novotny, Lukas; Xie, X. Sunney. "Near-field Fluorescence Microscopy Based on Two-photon Excitation with Metal Tips" Phys Rev Lett 82: 4014-4017 (1999).
Min, Wei; Lu, Sijia; Chong, Shasha; Roy, Rahul; Holtom, Gary R.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Imaging Chromophores with Undetectable Fluorescence by Stimulated Emission Microscopy" Nature 461: 1105-1109 (2009).
Chong, Shasha; Min, Wei; Xie, X. Sunney. "Ground-State Depletion Microscopy: Detection Sensitivity of Single-Molecule Optical Absorption at Room Temperature" J Phys Chem Lett 1:3316-3322 (2010).
Zhou, Yuexin; Wang, Ping; Tang, Feng; Gao, Ge; Huang, Lei; Wei, Wensheng; Xie, X. Sunney “Painting a specific chromosome with CRISPR/Cas9 for live-cell imaging”, Cell Research, doi:10.1038/cr.2017.9 (2017).
Single Molecule Enzymology
Lu, H. Peter; Xun, Luying; Xie, X. Sunney. "Single-Molecule Enzymatic Dynamics" Science 282: 1877-1882 (1998).
Yang, Haw; Luo, Guobin; Karnchanaphanurach, Pallop; Louie, Tai-Man; Rech, Ivan; Cova, Sergio; Xun, Luying; Xie, X. Sunney. "Protein Conformational Dynamics Probed by Single-Molecule Electron Transfer" Science 302: 262-266 (2003).
Min, Wei; Luo, Guobin; Cherayil, Binny J.; Kou, S. C.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Observation of a Power-Law Memory Kernel for Fluctuations within a Single Protein Molecule" Phys Rev Lett 94: 198302(1-4) (2005).
English, Brian P.; Min, Wei; van Oijen, Antoine M.; Lee, Kang Taek; Luo, Guobin; Sun, Hongye; Cherayil, Binny J.; Kou, S.C.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Ever-Fluctuating Single Enzyme Molecules: Michaelis-Menten Equation Revisited" Nat Chem Bio 2: 87-94 (2006).
Blainey, Paul C.; Luo, Guobin; Ko9u, S.C.; Mangel, Walter F.; Verdine, Gregory L.; Bagchi, Biman; Xie, X. Sunney. "Nonspecifically Bound Proteins Spin While Diffusing Along DNA" Nat Struct Mol Biol 16: 1224-1229 (2009).
Kim, Sangjin; Brostr?mer, Erik, Xing, Dong; Jin, Jianshi; Chong, Shasha; Ge, Hao, Wang, Siyuan; Gu, Chan; Yang, Lijiang; Gao, Yiqin; Su, Xiao-dong; Sun, Yujie; Xie, X. Sunney. “Probing Allostery Through DNA” Science 339: 816-819 (2013).
Chong, Shasha; Chen, Chongyi; Ge, Hao; Xie, X. Sunney. "Mechanism of Transcriptional Bursting in Bacteria" Cell 158: 314-326 (2014).
Gene Expression and Regulation
Yu, Ji; Xiao, Jie; Ren, Xiaojia; Lao, Kaiqin; Xie, X. Sunney. "Probing Gene Expression in Live Cells, One Protein Molecule at a Time" Science 311: 1600-1603 (2006).
Cai, Long; Friedman, Nir; Xie, X. Sunney. "Stochastic Protein Expression in Individual Cells at the Single Molecule Level" Nature 440: 358-362 (2006).
Elf, Johan; Li, Gene-Wei; Xie, X. Sunney. "Probing Transcription Factor Dynamics at the Single-Molecule Level in a Living Cell" Science 316: 1191-1194 (2007).
Choi, Paul J.; Cai, Long; Frieda, Kirsten; Xie, X. Sunney. "A Stochastic Single-Molecule Event Triggers Phenotype Switching of a Bacterial Cell" Science 322: 442-446 (2008).
Taniguchi, Yuichi; Choi, Paul J.; Li, Gene-Wei; Chen, Huiyi; Babu, Mohan; Hearn, Jeremy; Emili, Andrew; Xie, X. Sunney. "Quantifying E. coli Proteome and Transcriptome with Single-Molecule Sensitivity in Single Cells" Science 329: 533-538 (2010).
Chong, Shasha; Chen, Chongyi; Ge, Hao; Xie, X. Sunney. "Mechanism of Transcriptional Bursting in Bacteria" Cell 158: 314-326 (2014).
Ge, Hao; Qian, Hong; and Xie, X. Sunney. "Stochastic Phenotype Transition of a Single Cell in an Intermediate Region of Gene State Switching" Phys Rev Lett 114(7) (2015).
Coherent Raman Microscopy
Zumbusch, Andreas; Holtom, Gary R.; Xie, X. Sunney. “Vibrational Microscopy Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering" Phys Rev Lett 82: 4142-4145 (1999).
Evans, Conor L.; Potma, Eric O.; Puoris'haag, Mehron; C?té, Daniel; Lin, Charles P.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Chemical imaging of tissue in vivo with video-rate coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy" Proc Nat. Aca Sci 102: 16807-16812 (2005).
Freudiger, Christian W.; Min, Wei; Saar, Brian G.; Lu, Sijia; Holtom, Gary R.; He, Chengwei; Tsai, Jason C.; Kang, Jing X.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Label-Free Biomedical Imaging with High sensitivity by Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy" Science 322:1857-1860 (2008).
Saar, Brian G.; Freudiger, Christian W.; Reichman, Jay; Stanley, C. Michael; Holtom, Gary R.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Video-Rate Molecular Imaging in Vivo with Stimulated Raman Scattering" Science 330: 1368-1370 (2010).
Wang, Meng C.; Min, Wei; Freudiger, Christian W.; Ruvkun, Gary; Xie, X. Sunney. "RNAi Screening for Fat Regulatory Genes with SRS Microscopy" Nat Methods 8: 135-138 (2011).
Fu, Dan; Zhou, Jing; Zhu, Wenjing Suzanne; Manley, Paul W.; Wang, Y. Karen; Hood, Tami; Wylie, Andrew; Xie, X. Sunney. "Imaging the Intracellular Distribution of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Living Cells with Quantitative Hyperspectral Stimulated Raman Scattering" Nat Chem 6: 614-622 (2014).
Single Cell Genomics
Zong, Chenghang; Lu, Sijia; Chapman, Alec R.; Xie, X. Sunney. "Genome-Wide Detection of Single-Nucleotide and Copy-Number Variations of a Single Human Cell" Science 338: 1622-1626 (2012).
Lu, Sijia; Zong, Chenghang; Fan, Wei; Yang, Mingyu; Li, Jinsen; Chapman, Alec R.; Zhu, Ping; Hu, Xuesong; Xu, Liya; Bai, Fan; Qiao, Jie; Tang, Fuchou; Li, Ruiqiang; Xie, X. Sunney. "Probing Meiotic Recombination and Aneuploidy of Single Sperm Cells by Whole-Genome Sequencing" Science 338: 1627-1630 (2012).
Hou, Yu; Fan, Wei; Yan, Liying; Li, Rong; Lian, Ying; Huang, Jin; Li, Jinsen; Xu, Liya; Tang, Fuchou; Xie, X. Sunney; Qiao, Jie. "Genome Analyses of Single Human Oocytes" Cell 155: 1492-1506 (2013).
Yan, Liying; Huang, Lei; Xu, Liya; Huang, Jin; Ma, Fei; Zhu, Xiaohui; Tang, Yaqiong; Liu, Mingshan; Lian, Ying; Liu, Ping; Li, Rong; Lu, Sijia; Tang, Fuchou; Qiao, Jie; Xie, X Sunney "Live Births after Simultaneous Avoidance of Monogenic Diseases and Chromosome Abnormality by Next-generation Sequencing with Linkage Analyses," Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(52), 15964-15969, (2015).
Chen, Chongyi; Xing, Dong; Tan, Longzhi; Li, Heng; Zhou, Guangyu; Huang, Lei; Xie, X. Sunney "Single-cell whole-genome analyses by Linear Amplification via Transposon Insertion (LIANTI)," Science 356, 189-194 (2017).
Cao, Yunlong; Jian, Fanchong; Wang, Jing; Yu, Yuanling; Song, Weiliang; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Wang, Jing; An, Ran; Chen, Xiaosu; Zhang, Na; Wang, Yao; Wang, Peng; Zhao, Lijuan; Sun, Haiyan; Yu, Lingling; Yang, Sijie; Xiao, Tianhe; Gu, Qingqing; Shao, Fei; Hao, Xiaohua; Xu, Yanli; Jin, Ronghua; Shen, Zhongyang; Wang, Youchun; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney "Imprinted SARS-CoV-2 humoral immunity induces convergent Omicron RBD evolution," Nature (2022)
Cao, Yunlong; Jian, Fanchong; Zhang, Zhiying; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Hao, Xiaohua; Bao, Linlin; Yuan, Fei; Yu, Yuanling; Du, Shuo; Wang, Jing; Xiao, Tianhe; Song, Weiliang; Zhang, Ying; Liu, Pulan; An, Ran; Wang, Peng; Wang, Yao; Yang, Sijie; Niu, Xiao; Zhang, Yuhang; Gu, Qingqing; Shao, Fei; Hu, Yaling; Yin, Weidong; Zheng, Aihua; Wang, Youchun; Qin, Chuan; Jin, Ronghua; Xiao, Junyu; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney "Rational identification of potent and broad sarbecovirus-neutralizing antibody cocktails from SARS convalescents," Cell Reports (2022)
Cao, Yunlong; Song, Weiliang; Wang, Lei; Liu, Pan; Yue, Can; Jian, Fanchong; Yu, Yuanling; Wang, Yao; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Wang, Peng; Wang, Yao; Zhu, Qianhui; Deng, Jie; Fu, Wangjun; Yu, Ling; Zhang, Na; Wang, Jing; Xiao, Tianhe; An, Ran; Wang, Jing; Liu, Lu; Yang, Sijie; Niu, Xiao; Gu, Qingqing; Shao, Fei; Hao, Xiaohua; Meng, Bo; Gupta, Ravindra Kumar; Jin, Ronghua; Wang, Youchun; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney; Wang, Xiangxi "Characterization of the enhanced infectivity and antibody evasion of Omicron BA.2.75," Cell Host & Microbe 30(11), 1527-1539 (2022)
Jian, Fanchong; Yu, Yuanling; Song, Weiliang; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Yu, Lingling; Gao, Yuxue; Zhang, Na; Wang, Yao; Shao, Fei; Hao, Xiaohua; Xu, Yanli; Jin, Ronghua; Wang, Youchun; Xie, X. Sunney; Cao, Yunlong "Further humoral immunity evasion of emerging SARS-CoV-2 BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants," Lancet Infect Dis (2022)
Cao, Yunlong; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Jian, Fanchong; Song, Weiliang; Xiao, Tianhe; Wang, Lei; Du, Shuo; Wang, Jing; Wang, Jing; Li, Qianqian; Chen, Xiaosu; Yu, Yuanling; Wang, Peng; Zhang, Zhiying; Liu, Pulan; An, Ran; Hao, Xiaohua; Wang, Yao; Wang, Jing; Feng, Rui; Sun, Haiyan; Zhao, Lijuan; Zhang, Wen; Zhao, Dong; Zheng, Jiang; Yu, Lingling; Li, Can; Zhang, Na; Wang, Rui; Niu, Xiao; Yang, Sijie; Song, Xuetao; Chai, Yangyang; He, Ye; Shi, Yansong; Zheng, Linlin; Li, Zhiqiang; Gu, Qingqing; Shao, Fei; Huang, Weijin; Jin, Ronghua; Shen, Zhongyang; Wang, Youchun; Wang, Xiangxi; Xiao, Junyu; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney "BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 escape antibodies elicited by Omicron infection," Nature 608, 593-602 (2022)
Cao, Yunlong; Hao, Xiaohua; Wang, Xi; Wu, Qianhui; Song, Rui; Zhao, Dong; Song, Weiliang; Wang, Yao; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Wen; Du, Juan; Yu, Hongjie; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney; Jin, Ronghua "Humoral immunogenicity and reactogenicity of CoronaVac or ZF2001 booster after two doses of inactivated vaccine," Cell Research 32, 107-109 (2022)
Cao, Yunlong; Wang, Jing; Jian, Fanchong; Xiao, Tianhe; Song, Weiliang; Yasimayi, Ayijiang; Huang, Weijin; Li, Qianqian; Wang, Peng; An, Ran; Wang, Jing; Wang, Yao; Niu, Xiao; Yang, Sijie; Liang, Hui; Sun, Haiyan; Li, Tao; Yu, Yuanling; Cui, Qianqian; Liu, Shuo; Yang, Xiaodong; Du, Shuo; Zhang, Zhiying; Hao, Xiaohua; Shao, Fei; Jin, Ronghua; Wang, Xiangxi; Xiao, Junyu; Wang, Youchun; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney "Omicron escapes the majority of existing SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies," Nature 602, 657-663 (2021)
Du, Shuo; Liu, Pulan; Zhang, Zhiying; Xiao, Tianhe; Yasimayi, Ayijiang; Huang, Weijin; Wang, Youchun; Cao, Yunlong; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney; Xiao, Junyu "Structures of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.351 neutralizing antibodies provide insights into cocktail design against concerning variants," Cell Research 31, 1130–1133 (2021)
Cao, Yunlong; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Bai, Yali; Huang, Weijin; Li, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Zhiying; Yuan, Tianjiao; An, Ran; Wang, Jing; Xiao, Tianhe; Du, Shuo; Ma, Wenping; Song, Liyang; Li, Yongzheng; Li, Xiang; Song, Weiliang; Wu, Jiajing; Liu, Shuo; Li, Xuemei; Zhang, Yonghong; Su, Bin; Guo, Xianghua; Wei, Yangyang; Gao, Chuanping; Zhang, Nana; Zhang, Yifei; Dou, Yang; Xu, Xiaoyu; Shi, Rui; Lu, Bai; Jin, Ronghua; Ma, Yingmin; Qin, Chengfeng; Wang, Youchun; Feng, Yingmei; Xiao, Junyu; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney "Humoral immune response to circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants elicited by inactivated and RBD-subunit vaccines," Cell Research 31(7), 732-741 (2021)
Du, Shuo; Cao, Yunlong; Zhu, Qinyu; YU, Pin; Qi, Feifei; Wang, Guopeng; Du, Xiaoxia; Bao, Linlin; Deng, Wei; Zhu, Hua; Liu, Jiangning; Nie, Jianhui; Zheng, Yinghui; Liang, Haoyu; Liu, Ruixue; Gong, Shuran; Liu, Jiangning; Xu, Hua; Yisimayi, Ayijiang; Lv, Qi; Wang, Bo; He, Runsheng; Han, Yunlin; Zhao, Wenjie; Bai, Yali; Qu, Yajin; Gao, Xiang; Ji, Chenggong; Wang, Qisheng; Gao, Ning; Huang, Weijin; Wang, Youchun; Xie, X. Sunney; Su, Xiao-dong; Xiao, Junyu; Qin, Chuan "Structurally resolved SARS-CoV-2 antibody shows high efficacy in severely infected hamsters and provides a potent cocktail pairing strategy," Cell 183(4), 1013-1023.e13 (2020)
Cao, Yunlong; Su, Bin; Guo, Xianghua; Sun, Wenjie; Deng, Yongqiang; Bao, Linlin; Zhu, Qinyu; Zhang, Xu; Zheng, Yinghui; Geng, Chenyang; Chai, Xiaoran; He, Runsheng; Li, Xiaofeng; Lv, Qi; Zhu, Hua; Deng, Wei; Xu, Yanfeng; Wang, Yanjun; Qiao, Luxin; Tan, Yafang; Song, Liyang; Wang, Guopeng; Du, Xiaoxia; Gao, Ning; Liu, Jiangning; Xiao, Junyu; Su, Xiaodong; Du, Zongmin; Feng, Yingmei; Qin, Chuan; Qin, Chengfeng; Jin, Ronghua; Xie, X. Sunney "Potent Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Identified by High-Throughput Single-Cell Sequencing of Convalescent Patients' B Cells," Cell 182(1), 73-84.e16 (2020)
Key Review Articles
Min, Wei; Freudiger, Christian W.; Lu, Sijia; Xie, X. Sunney. "Coherent Nonlinear Optical Imaging: beyond Fluorescence Microscopy" Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 62: 507-530 (2011).
Li, Gene-Wei; Xie, X. Sunney. "Central Dogma at the Single-Molecule Level in Living Cells" Nature 475: 308-315 (2011).
Xie, X. Sunney. "Enzyme Kinetics, Past and Present" Science 342: 1457-1459 (2013).
Xie, X. Sunney. "Single Molecules Meet Genomics: Pinpointing Precision Medicine" JAMA 20: 2021-2 (2015).
Huang Lei; Ma Fei; Chapman Alec; Lu Sijia; Xie X. Sunney. “Single-Cell Whole-Genome Amplification and Sequencing” Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 16: 79-102 (2015).
Cheng, Ji-xin; Xie, X. Sunney. “Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging of Living Systems: An Emerging Platform for Biology and Medicine” Science 350, aaa8870 (2015).
学子归来 齐聚哈佛(2012)
1999年,谢晓亮进入哈佛大学任教来,培养了多名博士和博士后,截止到2017年,他所培养的学生在世界四十多所大学任教,其中一些学生的具体信息如下 :
Graduate Students | ||
Srinjan Basu | 2006-2012 | Cambridge University |
Paul Blainey | 2001-2007 | Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Engineering, MIT, Broad Institute |
Long Cai | 2001-2006 | Assistant Professor of Chemistry, CalTech |
Chongyi Chen | 2009-2014 | Harvard Univerisity, Cambridge, Massachusetts |
Huiyi Chen | 2006-2011 | Nanyang Technological Univerisity, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore |
Paul J. Choi | 2005-2009 | Senior Research Scientist , Genome Institute of Singapore |
Shasha Chong | 2009-2014 | Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California |
Brian English | 2001-2007 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Conor Evans | 2002-2007 | Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School |
Christian Freudiger | 2007-2011 | CTO and Cofounder, Invenio Imaging |
Sangjin Kim | 2004-2010 | Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Yale University |
John Krug | 1998-2004 | Roche |
Gene-Wei Li | 2005-2010 | University of California, San Francisco |
Sijia Lu | 2008-2012 | CTO and Cofounder, Yikon Genomics, Taizhou, China |
Guobin Luo | 2000-2006 | Life Technologies |
Wei Min | 2001-2007 | Assistant Professor, Columbia University |
Xiaolin Nan | 2001-2007 | Assistant Professor, Oregon Health Science University |
Brian Saar | 2005-2010 | Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
ErikSánchez | 1995-1999 | Assistant Professor, Portland State University |
Peter Sims | 2005-2009 | Assistant Professor of Systems Biology, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Physics, Columbia University Medical Center |
Zi Hertz He | 2011-2014 | Bloomberg L.P., London |
Ziqing Winston Zhao | 2009-2015 | Postdoc, Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), Singapore |
Xu Zhang | 2010-2015 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University |
Wenlong Yang | 2011-2017 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University |
Postdoctoral Fellows | ||
Dr. David Arnett | 1998-1999 | Associate Professor, Northwestern College, Iowa |
Dr. Lewis Book | 2000-2001 | Northrop Grumman Space Technology, California |
Dr. Erik Brostromer | 2010-2011 | |
Dr. Silvia Carrasco | 2005-2006 | Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) director, ICFO |
Dr. Huiyi Chen | 2011-2012 | Nanyang Technological Univerisity, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore |
Dr. Peng Chen | 2004-2005 | Peter Debye Professor of Chemistry, Cornell University, Deptartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology |
Dr. Ji-Xin Cheng | 2000-2003 | Professor, Purdue University, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering |
Dr. James Chesko | 1997 | Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Emeryville, California |
Dr. Jonathan Choi | 1999-2000 | |
Dr. Paul J. Choi | 2009-2010 | Senior Research Scientist , Genome Institute of Singapore |
Dr. Robert A. Crowell | 1994-1995 | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Dr. Haifeng Duan | 2009-2011 | Biodynamic Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC), Peking University, China |
Dr. Xiaojie Duan | 2007-2008 | Assistant Professor, Peking University |
Dr. Robert C. Dunn | 1992-1995 | Professor of Chemistry, University of Kansas |
Dr. Johan Elf | 2005-2007 | Associate Professor in Molecular Biotechnology, University of Uppsala, Sweden |
Dr. Wagner Faustino | 2008-2010 | Adjunct Professor, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil |
Dr. Kevin Fiala | 2007-2009 | MIT, Office of Technology Development |
Dr. Christian Freudiger | 2011-2013 | CTO and Cofounder, Invenio Imaging |
Dr. Nir Friedman | 2003-2007 | Weizmann Institute, Israel |
Dr. Marcel Friedrich | 2007-2008 | Siemens Management Consulting, Munich, Germany |
Dr. Feruz Ganikhanov | 2004-2006 | Assistant Professor, West Virginia University |
Dr. Christof Gebhardt | 2010-2013 | Deputy Head, Institute of Biophysics, Ulm University, Germany |
Dr. William Greenleaf | 2008-2011 | Assistant Professor, Genetics Dept., Stanford University School of Medicine |
Dr. Terumasa Ito | 2011-2012 | Sony Coporation Research & Development |
Dr. Minbiao Ji | 2011-2014 | Professor, Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
Dr. Lingjie Kong | 2012-2013 | Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia |
Dr. Kang Taek Lee | 2003-2004 | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea |
Dr. Nam Ki Lee | 2006-2009 | Assistant Professor, Pohang University of Science and Technology, S. Korea |
Dr. Gene-Wei Li | 2010 | UCSF |
Dr. Jeff Li | 2002-2008 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Dr. Giuseppe Lia | 2006-2009 | CNRS, Centre de Genetique Moleculaire, Paris |
Dr. Hong Peter Lu | 1995-1999 | Professor, Ohio Eminent Scholar, Bowling Green State University |
Dr. Guobin Luo | 2006-2008 | Life Technologies |
Dr. Yuntao Steve Mao | 2011-2012 | Scientific Editor, Cell, Cell Press, Cambridge |
Dr. Wei Min | 2008-2010 | Assistant Professor, Columbia University, Department of Chemistry |
Dr. Lukas Novotny | 1996-1999 | Professor, ETH Zürich |
Dr. Antoine van Oijen | 2001-2004 | Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia |
Dr. Pavel Pospisil | 2001-2002 | Palacky University, Czech Republic, Department of Experimental Physics |
Dr. Eric Potma | 2001-2005 | Associate Professor, University of California at Irvine, Department of Chemistry |
Dr. Maarten Roeffaers | 2009-2010 | Assistant Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Dr. Rahul Roy | 2007-2012 | Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangalore, India |
Dr. Markus Rueckel | 2007-2008 | BASF, Germany |
Dr. Erik Sánchez | 1999-2002 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Portland State University |
Dr. Ahbijit Sarkar | 2002-2003 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry & Physics, Virginia State University |
Dr. Charles Schroeder | 2004-2007 | Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Biomolecular Engineering |
Dr. Katsuyuki Shiroguchi | 2009-2012 | Laboratory Leader, RIKEN Research Center for Allergy & Immunology, Laboratory for Integrative Genomics |
Dr. Peter Sims | 2009-2011 | Assistant Professor of Systems Biology, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Physics, Columbia University Medical Center |
Dr. Hongye Sun | 2000-2002 | Vice President of Operation and Technology Platform, Chief Operating Officer, WuXi Genomic Center, WuXi AppTec, Shanghai |
Dr. David Suter | 2011-2013 | Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland |
Dr. Yuichi Taniguchi | 2006-2011 | Unit Leader, Quantitative Biology Center, RIKEN, Japan |
Dr. Andreas Volkmer | 1999-2001 | University of Stuttgart, Germany, Institute of Physics |
Dr. David Ward | 2005-2007 | President and Chairman, Piffany, Inc. |
Dr. Jie Xiao | 2002-2006 | Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry |
Dr. Haw Yang | 2000-2002 | Associate Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University |
Dr. Wei Yuan Yang | 2005-2007 | Researcher, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Institute of Biological Chemistry |
Dr. Jun Yong | 2011-2013 | Biodynamic Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC), Peking University, China |
Dr. Ji Yu | 2002-2006 | Assistant Professor of Genetics and Developmental Biology, University of Connecticut Health Center |
Dr. Guoqing Zhang | 2010-2011 | Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, School of Chemistry and Materials Science |
Dr. Chenghang Zong | 2009-2013 | Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics. Baylor College of Medicine |
Dr. Andreas Zumbusch | 1997-1999 | Professor of Physical Chemistry, Universität Konstanz, Germany |
Dr. Yan Gu | 2013-2014 | Scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb |
Dr. Dan Fu | 2010-2015 | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington |
Dr. Xiaohui Ni | 2011-2015 | Cynvenio Biosystems, California |
Dr. Yi Yin | 2015-2016 | Postdoc, University of Washington |
Dr. Haisong Liu | 2014-2016 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Salk Institute |
Dr. Asaf Tal | 2015-2017 | |
Dr. Fa-Ke Frank Lu | 2011-2017 | Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University, State University of New York |
Dr. Sabin Mulepati | 2014-2017 | Intellia Therapeutics, Massachusetts |
Visiting Scholars | ||
Prof. Jianming Li | 2011 | Southern Medical University, China |
Prof. Biman Bagchi | 2007 | Indian Institute of Science |
Prof. Paul Champion | 2002-2003 | Department of Physics, Northeastern University |
Prof. Binny Cherayil | 2004-2005 | Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science |
Prof. Nai-Ho Cheung | 2000-2001 | Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dr. Peijun Cong | 2010 | Invenio Imaging |
Dr. Mircea Cotlet | 2003 | Brookhaven National Laboratory, Center for Functional Nanomaterials |
Prof. Hao Ge | 2010-2011 | Biodynamic Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC), Peking University, China |
Prof. Casey Hynes | 2011 | Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Prof. Carey Johnson | 1997 | Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas |
Dr. Laura Kaufman | 2002-2004 | Department of Chemistry, Columbia University |
Dr. Francois Legare | 2004-2006 | INRS-EMT, Université du Québec, Varennes, Canada |
Prof. Peter Leung | 1995 | Department of Physics, Portland State University |
Prof. Yuanzong Li | 2002-2003 | College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China |
Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar | 2009 | Department of Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland |
Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff | 2005-2006 | Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Dr. Martin Vogel | 2006-2008 | Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Department of Molecular Neurogenetics |
Prof. Nils Walter | 2006 | Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan |
Prof. Xinhua Wan | 2004-2005 | College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China |
Prof. Peng-Ye Wang | 2010 | Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Luying Xun | 2004-2005 | School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University |
Prof. Xinsheng Zhao | 2003 | College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China |
Prof. Zemin Yao | 2014-2015 | Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Canada |
Yuanzhen Suo | 2015-2017 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Shufang Wang | 2016-2017 | Chinese PLA General Hospital |
时间 | 奖项/荣誉 | 授予单位 |
2021年度 | 北京市科学技术奖突出贡献中关村奖 | 北京市人民政府 |
2017年12月 | 2017年度中国留学人员50人榜单 |
2017年11月 | 中国科学院外籍院士 | 中国科学院 |
2017年9月 | 求是杰出科学家奖 | 香港求是基金会 |
2016年10月 | 美国国家医学院院士 | 美国国家医学院 |
2016年 | 吴瑞奖 | 华人生物学家协会 |
2015年 | 贝时璋奖 | 中国生物物理学会 |
2015年 | 阿尔伯尼生物医学奖(Albany) | 纽约州阿尔巴尼医学中心 |
2015年 | Peter Debye物理化学奖 | 美国化学会 |
2014年 | 美国光学会会士 | 美国光学会 |
2014年 | 德国洪堡学者 | |
2013年 | 美国NIH Director's Pioneer Award | |
2013年 | Ellis R. Lippincott奖 | 美国光学学会及应用光谱学会 |
2012年 | Harrison Howe奖 | 美国化学会Rochester分部 |
2012年 | 美国微生物学会会士 | 美国微生物学会 |
2012年 | Founders奖 | 美国生物物理学会 |
2011年5月3日 | 美国国家科学院院士 | 美国国家科学院 |
2010年 | 中国化学会荣誉会士 | 中国化学会 |
2009年 | 欧内斯特·奥兰多·劳伦斯奖(化学类) | 美国能源部 |
2008年 | 美国物理学会会士 | 美国物理学会 |
2008年 | 美国艺术与科学学院院士 | 美国艺术与科学学院 |
2008年 | Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis激光技术奖 | |
2007年 | Willis E.Lamb激光科学与量子光学奖 | |
2006年 | 美国科学促进会会士 | 美国科学促进会 |
2006年 | 美国生物物理学会会士 | 美国生物物理学会 |
2004年 | 美国NIH Director's Pioneer Award | |
2003年 | 以色列Raymond and Beverly Sackler 物理科学奖 | |
2003年 | Hoope奖 | 哈佛大学 |
2003年 | Joe Markson优秀本科毕业论文指导教师 | |
1996年 | Coblentz奖 |
任职时间 | 担任职务 |
2023年 | 第十四届全国政协委员、常委、教科卫体委员会委员 |
2009年—2011年 | 《科学(Science)》编委 |
2004年— | 国家纳米科学中心学术委员会委员(第一届、第二届) |
2002年—2007年 | 《物理化学年度评论(Annual Review of Physical Chemistry)》编委 |
2001年—2006年 | 《化学研究述评(Accounts of Chemical Research)》编委 |
2001年—2009年 | 中国科学院化学研究所分子动态与稳态结构国家重点实验室学术委员会委员(第五届) |
2001年— | 《化学物理(Chemical Physics)》编委 |
2001年— | 《化学物理学报(Chemical Physics Letters)》编委 |
2000年— | 《化学物理化学(Chem. Phys. Chem.)》编委 |
2000年—2008年 | 《物理化学杂志(Journal of Physical Chemistry )》编委 |
2000年—2001年 | 《生物物理学杂志(Biophysical Journal)》编委 |
1999年—2007年 | 《显微镜技术杂志(Journal Of Microscopy)》编委 |
1999年—2002年 | 《单分子(Single Molecules)》编委 |
《物理化学学报》编委 |
谢晓亮的父亲谢有畅与母亲杨骏英皆为北京大学化学系的教授 。
谢晓亮是单细胞生物学领域的领军人物,他已在该领域做出了关于单个分子及其行为影响细胞的生命过程乃至人类疾病的诸多研究成果 。(2015年美国阿尔伯尼生物医学奖)
谢晓亮是学科交叉研究的践行者,从物理化学、生物物理到生物化学,再到分子生物学,基因组学及临床医学,他无畏探索,不断创新,他是单分子酶学的创始人、单分子生物物理化学的奠基人之一、相干拉曼散射显微成像技术和单细胞基因组学的开拓者,在单分子生物物理和生物医学光学成像领域作出了杰出的贡献 。(2017年求是科学基金会评)
做事情就是要持之以恒,不要放弃,要坚持,要不怕困难的做下去,要有耐心,不要追求那种短期就能出成果的东西。谢晓亮常常会用4年甚至更长的时间来做一个研究,他发现自己做错的东西,也不放弃,重新开始做,所以,坚持是一个很重要的东西,是他获得成功肯定的一个很重要的元素,对我也意义重大 。(美国国家科学院院士、哈佛大学教授庄小威)
谢晓亮的第一个基础研究工作是1998年开展的单分子酶学,他开创了在单分子层面对生命过程的研究。近年他又开始探探索在医学上的应用。中国引进现代医学后,在现代药学方面只有少数几个药物作用领域的发现,在现代医学技术上唯一的发明和应用就是谢晓亮和汤富酬、乔杰三个团队合作诞生的‘MALBAC婴儿’ 。(北京大学生命科学院饶毅)
谢晓亮的MALBAC技术能够改变整个生物医学,其对未来精准医学的发展和应用的贡献是不可限量的。“获得终身教授的人很多,但真正能够在人类历史上,特别是科技史上留下印记的科学家非常少见,而谢晓亮将理论和技术结合,用技术解决科学问题,是引领整个科学界发展的真正的一流科学家,他是一个让你无法预知将来还会做出什么创造性工作的科学家。这是一个科学家具有潜在创造力、影响力、引领力的标志 。(中国医学科学院院长曹雪涛)